How Wide is an Electric Wheelchair?

Jun 23, 2024 0 comments Sumanth Jois

Electric wheelchairs have revolutionized the way seniors and disabled individuals experience mobility. These devices offer a level of independence and ease of movement that is unparalleled, making everyday tasks more manageable and enhancing the overall quality of life.

But when it comes to choosing the right electric wheelchair, one of the most critical factors is its width. It's also important to consider door frames and door trim, as widening doorways to accommodate wheelchairs may involve removing door trim, cutting into drywall, and installing offset hinges.

This dimension affects not only the user’s comfort and safety but also the wheelchair’s maneuverability in different environments.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various aspects of electric wheelchair width, from standard dimensions to customization options, and provide practical tips for choosing the right fit.

Understanding the Dimensions

How Seat Width is Measured

The width of an electric wheelchair is typically measured from one outer edge of the armrest to the other. This dimension is crucial because it determines how easily the wheelchair can pass through doorways, navigate tight spaces, and fit into vehicles.

Factors Affecting the Choice of Wheelchair Width

  1. User’s Body Size: The most significant factor is the user’s body size. A wheelchair needs to accommodate the user comfortably without being too tight or too loose.

  2. Home Environment: The width of doorways and hallways in the user’s home or frequently visited places is an essential consideration. Removing the entire door can increase clearance for a wheelchair, making it easier to navigate through entryways.

  3. Intended Use: If the wheelchair will be used primarily indoors, a narrower width might be preferable for easier maneuverability. For outdoor use, wider wheelchairs might offer better stability. Heavy duty wheelchairs, which are generally wider, should be considered for environments that require more robust support and stability.

Average Width of Electric Wheelchairs

Standard Dimensions

Electric wheelchairs come in various widths, typically ranging from 22 to 28 inches. Here’s a closer look at some common dimensions:

  • Narrow Wheelchairs: Around 22-24 inches wide, ideal for indoor use and navigating tight spaces.

  • Standard Wheelchairs: Typically 25-26 inches wide, offering a balance between indoor maneuverability and outdoor stability.

  • Wide Wheelchairs: Up to 28 inches or more, providing extra space for larger users or additional comfort features. Heavy duty wheelchairs, designed for larger individuals or those requiring extra strength and durability, may have a width ranging from 21” to 40”. It is important to consider the size and type of wheelchair in relation to doorway measurements.

Comparison with Manual Wheelchairs and Other Mobility Aids

Manual wheelchairs and other mobility aids like scooters often have different width dimensions. The narrowest available manual wheelchair has a 16-inch seat width.

Manual wheelchairs generally have a narrower profile, averaging around 18-22 inches, which makes them easier to navigate indoors but potentially less stable outdoors.

It’s essential to compare these differences when considering switching from one type of mobility aid to another.

Customization and Special Considerations

Customization Options

One of the great advantages of electric wheelchairs is the ability to customize them to fit individual needs. It is crucial to choose the right wheelchair to suit individual needs, considering factors such as maneuverability through doorways and alternative ways of access if the wheelchair does not fit through certain entryways.

Customization options include:

  • Adjustable Armrests: Allowing users to modify the wheelchair’s width slightly.

  • Specialized Seats: Tailored to provide extra support and comfort, possibly affecting the overall width. The seat width can significantly impact the overall width of the wheelchair, influencing its ability to fit through standard doorways.

  • Removable or Foldable Parts: Making the wheelchair more versatile and easier to store or transport.

Special Considerations for Bariatric Users and Weight Capacity

Bariatric users or those with unique mobility requirements may need wider wheelchairs, sometimes exceeding 30 inches. These wheelchairs are designed to support higher weight capacities and offer reinforced frames for added durability.

Tips for Choosing the Right Width

Determining the Best Fit

Choosing the right width involves several steps:

  1. Measure the User: Ensure the wheelchair can accommodate the user’s hips and thighs comfortably. The average seat width of most wheelchairs ranges from 16 to 20 inches.

  2. Evaluate Home Accessibility: Measure doorways, hallways, and any other tight spaces the wheelchair will need to navigate. If maneuvering through doorways is challenging, consider using a power wheelchair, which can be controlled with a joystick, allowing the user to keep their hands within the wheelchair's cabin.

  3. Consider Future Needs: Think about potential changes in the user’s mobility or living environment.

Importance of User Comfort, Safety, and Accessibility

User comfort and safety are paramount. An essential feature of electric wheelchairs is the seat belt, which is crucial for user safety and stability.

A wheelchair that is too narrow can cause discomfort and pressure sores, while one that is too wide might be challenging to maneuver.

Accessibility in daily life should also be a top priority, ensuring the wheelchair allows users to maintain their independence.


Choosing the right width for an electric wheelchair is a critical decision that impacts comfort, safety, and accessibility. By understanding the dimensions, considering customization options, and evaluating the specific needs of the user, you can make an informed choice that enhances mobility and independence.

Remember, it's always beneficial to seek professional advice when selecting an electric wheelchair to ensure it meets all of your requirements. If you found this guide helpful, don’t hesitate to share it with others who might benefit from this information.

For more insights and expert advice on mobility aids and healthcare solutions, keep following our blog or reach out to our team directly. You might also find these articles interesting as well: “5 Mobility Scooters With The Best Turning Radius” and “Key Measurements to Determine the Best Wheelchair Fit”.

And for more insights and personalized advice, don't hesitate to reach out to professionals or consult with your healthcare provider. 

Our team of Mobility Experts is standing by to assist you.

Whether you have questions about a specific chair, not sure which option is right for your unique needs and wants… 

… then give us a call now at 800-682-9444 

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Your journey to improved mobility starts here.

Need Financial Help?

Need help finding the perfect wheelchair? Our mobility experts are ready to assist! Call us at 800-682-9444 for personalized guidance.

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  • Klarna Financing: Enjoy budget-friendly installment plans through our partnership with a leading European bank.

  • Shop Pay: Easily manage your payments with clear and simple scheduling, thanks to our collaboration with Affirm.

  • PayTomorrow: Benefit from a smooth application process, transparent pricing, and auto-pay features—all while protecting your credit score.

Contact us today at 800-682-9444 and get your new mobility scooter without breaking the bank!

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